Virtual Nampo 2020

Visit us at Virtual Nampo 9-12 SEPTEMBER 2020 With our many years of experience, prodigious technology and equipment we are the most experienced Agricultural Drainage company. VIEW OUR VIRTUAL HUB SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE The permanent solution to the problem is to install subsurface drainage, which pays for itself. It is a complete solution that has yield […]

Water Bestuur

In vandag se boerdery omstandighede is dit belangriker as ooit om effektiewe water bestuur toe te pas op gewas verbouing. Met kostes wat weghardloop en fluktuerende gewas pryse moet risiko op alle fasette van die boerdery beperk word. Met effektiewe waterbestuur en meer spesifiek dreinering kan risiko verlaag word en opbrengs verhoog word. Alhoewel dreinering […]

Testing Technology

LEADING THE WAY WITH RTK-GPS TECHNOLOGY The Question often arises: Just how accurate is Drainage installation done with the modern “Tile­plow” (Trenchless Plough)? After such a discus­sion at a recent contractor’s meeting in the USA Dr Jim Fouss (Ph.D P.E, (well respected, retired re­search engineer at Ohio State University and USDA) did a study to […]

Subsurface Drainage

DOES THE ORIGIN OF YOUR WATER MANAGEMENT PROBLEM LIE BELOW THE SURFACE? This seamless process where drainage pipes are inserted at specific gradients or slopes according to the detailed, customised plan helps you manage water table levels and salinity as well as optimise the use of rainfall. Furthermore, this process cuts costs by up to 80% […]